Change, Growth, Expand

Change….. Do you welcome change? Or do you try and hide from it? 

Change can be easy or hard. you can make a conscious choice to allow change to happen with ease. I still take the hard road. I hide, I take longer than necessary to welcome change.  For me it has come with some difficulty, I've held myself back believing I'm not worthy. I breathe, I connect with what has turned up. I can sense it, feel it energetically. I can see how my life will change, I want that change and yet I still sub-consciously refuse it.  

Why do I take so long so accept it? 

Growth…… Comes when we allow Change!

We have welcomed change in with open arms, our energy is shifting, making new pathways, re-wiring our cells, our DNA! It can be uncomfortable as we must keep making a conscious choice every day, every hour, every minute, every second. We are ready to move forward. I am elated with Joy, I've consciously accepted CHANGE.

Expand…… = Change + Growth! 

It is time to celebrate. As I rake each step forward my energy expands  further into my life, every cell in my body feels alive. I breathe in filling my lungs with inspiration, I breathe out resistance. 

For today I consciously choose Freedom! 

I allow change to come in each day knowing that I have the choice to witness it, to see it for what it is. An opportunity to Grow + Expand AGAIN. 


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