My 5 Top Tips to Interrupt Anxiety!

1. Breathe!

Your breath is one of your easiest and strongest tools you can use! Place one hand on your belly and one over your heart. Now take a deep breath in right down into your belly, feel your belly expand with air & light. Hold it there for up to 4 seconds then slowly release. Do this until you feel your energy has shifted from anxious and fear to relaxed & peaceful.

2. Step Outside!

Get outside and take note of what you can see, hear & smell! Can you see birds, plants, cars, etc. Can you people, dogs barking, trains? What can you smell? Salt air, gum trees, diesel fumes?

3. Dance!

Never underestimate the power of movement! Turn on your favourite sing that makes you want to move and turn it UP! Move the energy through your body. Dance until you are either laughing or crying, both are great for you and is just what you need to release that anxiety.

4. Connect with Mother Earth!

Lay or stand barefoot upon the earth, close your eyes and ask to feel the love and support of Mother Earth. Surrender into her and allow her energy to rise up through you, replacing your anxiety with love.

5. Journaling!

Write, write, write! Put pen to paper and write down what it is your feeling, what is worrying you? Let it all pour out onto the paper. Once you
have nothing left, start writing what you are grateful for, what is it that fills your heart with love and joy? Replace your anxiety with gratitude.

Send me an email and let me know if any of my 5 Top Tips have helped you Interrupt your Anxiety, I'd love to hear from YOU!

Love + light beautiful souls

Lisa xo


Who I am, What I do & What I am up to Now!

I'm an intuitive energy healer, I use reiki, crystals, messages from my guides to unlock or uncode what it is your anxiety or body is trying to tell you. I also run online programs for You to be able to get to know Yourself on a deeper level, from deepening your self love, to getting to know your chakras and listening to your intuition. 

I work with mum's who have anxiety in their everyday life cause I know just how hard it is to make it through the day when you live with anxiety. I suffered with generalized anxiety when I fell pregnant with my first child 20yrs ago. At time when I was supposed to be feeling wonderful and excited, I also had more than I wanted to admit back then, times of fear and worry. So I know first hand the worry and desperation you feel. 
It all changed for me when I started out on my spiritual journey, home to myself. With the guidance of some amazing women who helped me to see past my anxiety and be open to hearing what it was telling me, I was able to release that fear and worry and start living a life I no longer want to run away from. 

At the moment I am working with Another wonderful and brilliant women who is helping me with all the business side of what I do, while caring for my beautiful and somewhat crazy family including extra cuddles and naps with our newest member, oh yeah and packing cause we're moving in a few weeks!

All this + throw in a session or two with clients! Sounds kinda crazy but all this fills me with excitement and anticipation for what's to come. 

If you'd love to know more on what I offer send me a PM on Facebook or Email me and let's chat. 

Love + light beautiful souls
Lisa xo

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