Social Media Free

It's been 5 months since I started my 7 days a month social media free and I want to share with you how it has been for me.

I listened to my intuition in June when I was guided to take the first 7 days of July away from Social Media. 

At first I was sceptical, would it really make a difference to me? To how I run my business or the way I live my life? Yet I was also a little excited to see what and if anything would change. 

The first month was exciting and difficult. The first three days I was so busy that it was a relief that I didn't need or have to check Facebook or instagram. The fourth day however I found myself just picking up my phone randomly and then having to consciously stop and ask myself what I was doing? So to help me I uninstalled both apps. Just in case I had a weak moment it wasn't going to be easy to jump on and check my notifications. Day 5 I had a break through during my meditation. I noticed that I was calmer, there had been no self judgement or criticism about not keeping up with those that I admire from the sidelines. I was in shock by just how much I'd allowed myself to be swept up by the comparison game. It was then that I vowed to myself to listen to my own intuition, to stop scrolling mindlessly and to honour the divine being, this is Me! 

The next two days were bliss as I started to channel more of my divine wisdom. I loved diving within my own well of knowledge, it was like drinking the most delicious nectar in the world. No judgement, no comparison, just total bliss, love and gratitude. During my Meditation on day 6 it was clear that this was to become my norm. Taking time away, like a mini retreat for me. Honouring my soul by placing the boundary around me, allowing me the space to be fully present with the divine being that I am. 

Here I am after just completing my 5th month of 7 days Social Media Free and I'm feeling a deep sense of peace emanating from my heart and gratitude for listening to my intuition and following her call. I am evolving and with each set of 7 days away from here I deepen into who I am and that is the Gold right there 🌟


You came here to create harmony and a deep connection with all living things.

You sense it,

You feel it,

Deep down you believe it.

It’s time to rise.

Just as the sun does each morning,

Without fear, self doubt or comparison.

Deep down you know.

Rise today + everyday,

For You are the Sun.

Change, Growth, Expand

Change….. Do you welcome change? Or do you try and hide from it? 

Change can be easy or hard. you can make a conscious choice to allow change to happen with ease. I still take the hard road. I hide, I take longer than necessary to welcome change.  For me it has come with some difficulty, I've held myself back believing I'm not worthy. I breathe, I connect with what has turned up. I can sense it, feel it energetically. I can see how my life will change, I want that change and yet I still sub-consciously refuse it.  

Why do I take so long so accept it? 

Growth…… Comes when we allow Change!

We have welcomed change in with open arms, our energy is shifting, making new pathways, re-wiring our cells, our DNA! It can be uncomfortable as we must keep making a conscious choice every day, every hour, every minute, every second. We are ready to move forward. I am elated with Joy, I've consciously accepted CHANGE.

Expand…… = Change + Growth! 

It is time to celebrate. As I rake each step forward my energy expands  further into my life, every cell in my body feels alive. I breathe in filling my lungs with inspiration, I breathe out resistance. 

For today I consciously choose Freedom! 

I allow change to come in each day knowing that I have the choice to witness it, to see it for what it is. An opportunity to Grow + Expand AGAIN. 


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Postnatal Depression & Me!

This is the definition of Postnatal depression;
depression suffered by a mother following childbirth, typically arising from the combination of hormonal changes, psychological adjustment to motherhood, and fatigue.

I've had postnatal depression with two out of  three of my children. With baby number 1 and now with baby number 3.

This time round I've been lying to myself and others saying things like “I'm fine” its just normal stresses that are associated with selling, buying and moving house! You can only lie to yourself so long before it all comes to a head!

Also never believe a woman who says she's fine!

One of the main reasons I didn't acknowledge my postnatal depression this time round was that it has been totally different.

The first time I had such strong and debilitating anxiety attacks.

This time I'd prefer to be alone.

So  It wasn't until recently that I actually admitted to myself and others that Yes I have Postnatal Depression again.

I started asking myself questions like,



Am I putting too much pressure on myself?

Is society putting too much pressure on mum's?

I started feeling angry, and I mean anger that bubbled from deep within.

Like a fire, it grew the more I questioned why I have postnatal depression?

how do we get postnatal depression?

The fire grew within me.

I cried

I screamed

I howled

I started journaling all the feelings and thoughts that arose.

I meditated

I sought help

You know what I discovered!

The anger and the rage not only came from me but from so many women before me.

We are AnGrY!


Motherhood is a journey, sometimes beautiful and sometimes ugly.

Either way it is not one size fits all and yet we are all squeezed into little boxes.

There's all these time frames for

Establishing breastfeeding,

Sleep routines,

Intimacy returns


Eat well

School routines

Back to work

On and

On and


Enough is enough!

We put so much pressure on ourselves!  

Then wonder why we can feel lost, angry, emotional!

We are women,


We are Goddesses

We have huge amounts of hormones flowing through our bodies, we have been growing and now looking after our beautiful baby.

Let us enjoy this time.

Nurture us.

We have sleepless nights

We are tired

We are trying our hardest to keep everything together,

to keep everyone organised.

Who is checking on us?

Please don't call and ask if we're ok?

Do you know how hard it is to let our wall down to admit that we need help!

We have been conditioned to think that asking for help is a sign of failure, that we are weak and as much as I'm trying to change that for myself, I still struggle.

So even 10 months after the arrival of our precise baby we still may need help.

Make us a meal,

Fold the washing,

Go on a walk with us,

Take a sibling for the day or night

Come and just hang with us for the day, we'd love to see you.

Most of all please just listen without judgement or trying to fix us.

There is nothing that means more to us than having someone just listen!

Especially if they bring food!

So while society likes to put me in a box labeled Postnatal Depression,

I'm choosing a new box!

The journeys of Motherhood!

It's tough but oh so miraculous,

I will be open and share from the heart.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or think you have Postnatal depression please seek help or talk to a trusted friend,

or if you know of a mumma, grab some food and go visit her!

It's time for us to support and love one another,.

It's time for our Sisterhood to Return.

Much love

Lisa xo


I Will Not Apologise!

I've let quite a few of my daily spiritual + self love rituals fall aside in the bliss of a new baby. I didn't even notice until I was filled with anxiety, couldn't breathe & just wanted to cry.
I felt so overwhelmed trying to be superwoman and do everything myself, not asking for help or allowing myself to be supported that it took Anxiety to wake me up and take notice.

Why in earth did I feel I needed to prove myself? And to Who?

Why did I think I was not enough?

Why have I been scared to be me?

I'll tell you why................ because I was out of alignment with ME!

I was trying to be someone I'm not!

I was allowing people's judgement's of should's and could's push me in a direction that is not Me!
Not anymore!

I will not Apologise for feeling things too much!

I will not Apologise for caring for myself first!

I will not Apologise for feeling the cries deep within of Mother Earth!

I will not Apologise or explain myself any longer.

Yes I am a Mum, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Empath, Intuitive Healer, Leader, Goddess, Earth Warrior, but these are just labels and are only a fraction of who I am.
I am so much more and allow Myself to awaken more and shine in a new bright and sparkly way.

I have started OM chanting meditating again and just love how it not only relaxes me but also soothes my beautiful little baby. I love sharing my practices with my children and want them to grow up knowing the importance of Connection to Self!

Anxiety arrives when are not looking after ourselves and listening to our Soul! It has a message for us, not always clear and easy to decipher but it is there. If you need help breaking through your anxiety get in contact and let's kick anxiety's butt and start living from a place of Love! 

Love + light, Lisa xx

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Excitement and Fear!

The excitement of selling our home diminished quickly.

The stress soon arrived from my husband and family worried about if we would find a home in this current market, how far were we going to be moving away from them and how were we going to do all this with a new baby?

For me when the opportunity came to sell our home I was filled with excitement!

I had seen the visions of this move coming and I had complete trust in the universe with the timing!

Don't get me wrong there were times when I lost my shit, cried and felt completely frustrated.

Yet through the tears I'd never felt stronger or never trusted in the universe so deeply, I knew without a doubt where we were going even when no one else did!

Trying to be patient while they caught up was not easy! Thankfully I did have the support of some very amazing girlfriends, my sister, my mum, my wonderful homeopath and a shaman who is always knows what I need! My children helped by keeping me present as possible, even when I was worried about what was happening! Oh and good ol’ Mother Earth for keeping me grounded and reminding me I am not alone and am always supported even when I am feeling not so supported!

We have tools available to us, it is however our choice whether we use them or not!

Do we want to be the radiant light that we are or sit uncomfortably and linger in our pain and fear?

I wanted to share this part of my journey with you to let you know there is not 1 person who is above or below you that has their shit together 24/7!
We are all equals for we are all ONE! And there will be days that we fall apart, but together we can put ourselves back better and brighter than before 💖

If you ever feel like you're lingering in the darkness and unsure of how to see the light, email or message me on FB and together we can rekindle your light.

Love + light beautiful souls
Lisa xo


Never underestimate the POWER of your Breath + Nature!

Never underestimate the POWER of your Breath + Nature!

I see You

I See You sitting there worrying if you've done enough for your child/children.

I See You worrying if anyone has noticed you're not feeling safe.

I See You feeling that the earth just might collapse from right under you.

I See You hiding from yourself.

I See You struggling to breathe.

I See You just holding it all together.

I See You because I am You!

I have been where you are fearing the morning, the start of a new day, a new day of fears, of panic! Wondering how I'm going to face this day and be enough for my children! Will they notice my anxiety and panic? Will they know I just want to run away and sleep and not worry or fear the day anymore.

I wished it would it would all end!

Not my life!

The Fear, the Panic, the Constant Worry!

Somewhere deep inside me I knew there was more than this!

I hoped there was more!

I wanted to feel alive!

I wanted more for my children!

I wanted them to not be scared to live!

I want You to know that you don't have to live that way any longer.

Contact me and let's work together to meet your Anxiety with Love and turn your Fear into Excitement.

I see You
You are Worthy of so much more.

Love + light beautiful soul Lisa xo

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she could, 


she did

The birth of my third child did not go as I had planned!

I was so excited to meet our little Earth child. I used mantras, read positive birth stories, meditated, had healing crystals and Oracle cards around me! I had this in the bag! I'd done it twice before so was prepared for a long labour full of it's own twists and turns.

But of course what I had on my birth plan was not what the Universe had planned for me!
Labour did not proceed as it should have and before I knew it there was discussions of a cesarean. To be honest this freaked me out!


Was I strong enough?

Would I die?

Would my baby die?

I could feel the panic rising up through my body and I couldn't run from this! I so wanted to run....

I breathed into the fear, the panic!

I spoke to my guides, angels & God. I asked for strength & guidance. I surrendered! I opened myself and let what was to come next to come. I asked for a sign.

The next three signs all pointed towards a cesarean. Even with the fear, I knew I was supported and loved.
I used my tools, I breathed, repeated my mantras and welcomed my beautiful baby earth child to the world.

 Why am I sharing this with you?

Cause anxiety and fear will rise Again and Again!

It's when we start to connect to ourselves on a deeper level, and really get to know our Soul, that we can face our anxiety and fears with love.

If you want to know more or are ready to meet your anxiety with love email me or PM me on Facebook.

Love + light beautiful souls

Lisa xo
